Philipp Aeschlimann

Switzerland’s #1 Quantum Adviser

Access Your Full Potential through Quantum Analysis and Programming

Discover and Realize Your Entire Potential Now

Information Field Technology helps you to see your subconscious programming in seconds and change it.
As a result, you are no longer subject to your ‹fate› but the director of your life.

What are the benefits of a Quantum Analysis?

You will receive a PDF with your key beliefs that are holding you back.
Your childhood, ancestorial and past life programming will be completely visible to you, as well as the current energy level of your chakras.



Get insights on your relationship patterns and alter them


Remove obstacles between you and your purpose


Become more effective in making money


Understand&eliminate the underlying structure leading to physical illness


Boost self confidence by eliminating the programming that keeps you timid and insecure

Who Is A Quantum Analysis for?

For people committed to their own growth

For those who are looking for ways to change their lives and willing to take action

For people who don’t accept boundaries

For people who feel stuck and wish for a powerful impulse

It is for You!

It will give you the opportunity to eliminate your blind spots and embark on a life where you are truly in the driver’s seat!

What is Information Field Technology?

It was the year 1896. Marie Curie couldn’t believe her eyes. She had just seen how an otherwise healthy and prospering atom decompose into all sorts of particles.

What set her up was a little detail that would turn the world upside down:

There was no physical cause for the atom to decompose.

Researchers from the entire world broke their heads over the misbehaving atoms.

It was simply unheard of that physical changes would occur without a good reason!

Until many (among them Max Planck) said:

Look, there is an intelligent spirit behind all matter.

How great would it be to understand the ideas and motivation of that spirit! Wouldn’t that mean we could understand ourselves much better?

Wouldn’t that be a comfortable way to uncover the hidden reasons why our lives are the way they are?

Many decades later, Russians and Germans came up with the notion of the ‹Information Field› and how to use it to create better and prosperous lives.

They threw computers in the mix and used their computational power to help humans understand and change their own fate…


About Me

When I was 35, my health was in the gutter. I was overweight, had massive gastritis, chronic fatigue and debilitating back pain.

I had seen countless practitioners who hadn’t been able to help me and started to grow desperate.

At night, I didn’t sleep. I wondered, if I’d ever find a way to be healthy.

And then I met this guy who could literally see my thoughts on a Computer screen.

I had not filled out a form or touched a sensor. The computer just knew.

That was when I realized I’d been missing something about how this world functions.

I quit my job, started researching and soon enough, people poured in for coaching…


Testimonials (mostly in German)

Philipp has achieved what other coaches and I myself have not been able to do in recent years. He made me suddenly take action after such a long time full of self-doubt. I’m looking forward to the next three months working with Philipp!
Full recommendation! Thank you Philipp ❤️❤️❤️


Working with Philipp has inspired me enormously and given me the right perspective for a life of ease and abundance. I have learned to perceive myself and to act as an observer. Since the coaching with Philipp, my life has changed into an upward spiral of my self. I feel free, self-confident and self-determined. I thank him from the bottom of my heart and wish every one of Philipp’s clients the same positive experience. Thank you very much!

Translated with (free version)



The aim of the collaboration was to remove a blockage that had formed due to old beliefs. Philipp quickly recognized the issues and got to the heart of them, as if they had vanished into thin air. The fact is that I feel a lot lighter today. Result: making decisions is easy again, opportunities and possibilities can be seen again. Specifically, 24 hours after releasing the blockage, I was invited to speak at an online retreat in front of 900 women 🙂
Thank you Philipp!!!



Philipp guided me carefully and specifically to the root of my blockage and resolved it with me. His empathetic and understanding manner made me feel safe and supported. Not only does he have the technical skills to conduct a successful session, but he also shows a deep understanding of the human psyche and emotions.

As a coach he is outstanding and knows how to guide his clients through difficult situations. I can wholeheartedly recommend Philipp!


I was able to experience a quantum field session with Philipp and realized how much heart Philipp puts into his work and his sessions. The compassion he has is incomparable. It surprised me how quickly and precisely a quantum session works and I noticed many changes in just a few days afterwards. Where I used to be intimidated by a certain type of men and people, I’ve recently felt very empowered around them. It’s as if my entire outlook and belief in this part of life was able to change in just one session.


Philipp helps me to further develop my business strategies. In coaching, I find clarity and certainty about my path. Philipp actively listens and really good things develop in his presence. It has been very worthwhile so far. My business is developing very well. Thank you!

