Philipp Aeschlimann

Quantum Coaching

Discover Your Growth Potential in the Quantum Field

Identify and dissolve energetic obstacles

Would you like to see your secret blocks and hindering beliefs on a computer screen?

Remember Your Greatness

The key to a fulfilled and joyful life

Carl Gustav Jung, the famous psychotherapist, once said: Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

So how do you make the unconscious conscious?

By analyzing your quantum field where all your thoughts and emotions are stored.

Quantum Physics says: You are the creator of your reality. So allow yourself to find out which blockage may leave so your life runs smoothly and effortlessly.


Easily find the hidden causes of your problem

Reprogram yourself through the Quantum Field

Get back your clarity and power

See your truth written as text on a computer screen

Find Your Purpose In The Quantum Field

Are you stuck in your life and don’t know what your real purpose is?

The answer you’re looking for is inside your quantum field.

I know how tough it can be to be lost, not knowing what you should do in life.

If you’re one of these sensitive, beautiful souls who doesn’t know what to go for – create clarity now and click the button.



Find What's In The Way of True Success In The Quantum Field

Are you working hard and looking successful on the outside, yet deep down struggling to acknowledge your achievements?

Do you feel you’re not having the success you want, especially in the professional field?

Let’s check the quantum field and see what you need to unleash your full power.


What's between you and a fulfilled relationship?

If you are one of the eternal singles or people who always have complicated relationships, it’s because there is an unconscious obstacle.

An energy, a belief, that used to serve you and now acts as a sabotage pattern.

This pattern is stored in the quantum field so you can retrieve it and let it go.

Hit me up for a session where we explore the quantum field for beautiful relationships.


Clear out your business' quantum field for more clients and impact

When you have a business with other people, energies and information come together and create an unique field with its own life.

Stay on top of your business› quantum field and get a competitive edge by clearing conflicts long before they emerge.

Click below to get a free business analysis.


What Is Quantum Technology and How Does it Work?

Imagine, ‹you› being surrounded by an energy field.

Inside of this energy field float little packs of programming. These are things you believe to be true.

These things are so true, you don’t even notice them. It’s like a fish in the water. A fish won’t notice the water because it’s so normal for them.

Imagine these packs – floating around you – give off lightning bolts.

Let’s now assume you would like a loving relationship with someone but it’s just not happening or very complicated. Or your clients are staying away for miraculous reasons.

Then that’s because you have ‹packs› in your energy field that shoot your dream with lightning bolts.

As a result, you notice that you’re not achieving your goals, but you don’t know why.

Quantum Technology is designed to help you identify these covert sabotage packs and neutralize them.


About Me

At age 35, I was introduced to quantum technology. That made my world view shift.

How on earth is it possible that a computer can know my deepest desires, thoughts and emotions?

All I had entered was my name, birth date, place of birth and a picture. In return, within seconds, I got the unconscious beliefs that were running my life.

I was fascinated and chose to get self employed as a quantum coach…



Philipp hat geschafft, was andere Coaches und ich selbst in den letzten Jahren nicht hinbekommen habe. Er hat in mir ausgelöst, dass ich plötzlich ins Handeln gekommen bin und das nach so so so langer Zeit voller Selbstzweifel. Ich freue mich auf die nächsten drei Monate, in denen ich mit Philipp zusammen arbeiten darf!
Volle Weiterempfehlung! Danke Philipp ❤️❤️❤️

Philipp has achieved what other coaches and I myself have not been able to do in recent years. He made me suddenly take action after such a long time full of self-doubt. I’m looking forward to the next three months working with Philipp!
Full recommendation! Thank you Philipp ❤️❤️❤️


Die Zusammenarbeit mit Philipp hat mich enorm begeistert und mir den entsprechenden Blickwinkel für ein Leben in Leichtigkeit und Fülle ermöglicht. Ich habe gelernt, mich selbst wahr zu nehmen und als Beobachter zu agieren. Mein Leben hat seit dem Coaching mit Philipp in eine Aufwärtsspirale meines Selbst gewechselt. Ich fühle mich frei, selbstbewusst und selbstbestimmt. Ich danke ihm von Herzen und wünsche jedem Klienten von Philipp die gleichen positiven Erfahrungen. Vielen Dank!


Working with Philipp has inspired me enormously and given me the right perspective for a life of ease and abundance. I have learned to perceive myself and to act as an observer. Since the coaching with Philipp, my life has changed into an upward spiral of my self. I feel free, self-confident and self-determined. I thank him from the bottom of my heart and wish every one of Philipp’s clients the same positive experience. Thank you very much!


Ziel der Zusammenarbeit war es, eine Blockade zu lösen, die sich aufgrund alter Glaubenssätze gebildet hatte. Philipp hat die Themen schnell erkannt und auf den Punkt gebracht wie in Luft aufgelöst. Fakt ist, dass ich mich heute um einiges leichter fühle. Ergebnis: Entscheidungen fällen fällt wieder leicht, Chancen und Möglichkeiten können wieder gesehen werden. Konkret wurde ich 24 Stunden nach dem Lösen der Blockade eingeladen an einem Online Retreat vor 900 Frauen zu sprechen:)
Danke Philipp!!

The aim of the collaboration was to release a blockage that had formed due to old beliefs. Philipp quickly recognized the issues and got to the heart of them, as if they had vanished into thin air. The fact is that I feel a lot lighter today. Result: making decisions is easy again, opportunities and possibilities can be seen again. Specifically, 24 hours after releasing the blockage, I was invited to speak at an online retreat in front of 900 women:)
Thank you Philipp!!!
