What is Quantum Technology?
TimeWaver Quantum Technology
How is it possible that your deepest fears and desires show up on a computer screen, without you entering anything besides your name and birthdate?
Let’s explore a bit.
A human is essentially a quantum computer. It transforms possibility to reality while being fully aware of the creation process.
That’s remarkable. We’re the only species known to us that is capable of doing this.
For illustration’s sake, let’s imagine a table.
Here you go. Out of nothing you created a table (in your mind).
Let’s assume you’re planning to make that table a physical reality.
So you draw a plan and start cutting wood, etc.
Then you put everything together, paint the finish, and voilà, you created a table where there was none before.
We do that with everything. All the time.
Examples: Relationships, money, business, health – everything.
The funny thing is: Sometimes we have experiences we don’t like. Like illness, poverty, conflict.
If we are the creators, why are these things there?
Psychology says: 95% of our reality creation process is not conscious.
We don’t know what we’re doing. Until we see the results in the world around us.
So, the question is: What makes us create a reality that is suboptimal?